

Joined 3 years ago, with 7 karma


My name is Phil Martin and my mission is to help people understand the mobile app development process by sharing my progress as I develop and launch my own apps.

I’m in the process of designing, coding and launching a few apps, including Scarper (switch up gravity tile match game) and Nip To (finding public facilities, e.g. toilets and benches) and plan to share my experience as I go.

Every Sunday the free A Bit Gamey Newsletter, sharing my approach and progress, will be emailed to subscribers. This will cover how I:

Generate app ideas.

Name apps.

Choose platforms to develop for.

Decide which tools and other resources to use.

Approach app design.

Plan to keep users engaged.

Intend to make money.

I would be delighted if you would subscribe to the A Bit Gamey Newsletter and share it with anyone else who you think might enjoy the app development journey. Comments, suggestions and requests are welcome.