Comment by dang

9 years ago

I've detached this comment from and marked it off-topic so as not to distract from the thread.

The way flagging works is that users click the 'flag' link that appears after the timestamp underneath a story title. A user needs a small amount of karma (31 or more) before such links appear. Flags have a number of effects, one of which is to downweight a story so that it is more likely to fall in rank. If there are enough flags on a story, the software will eventually kill it (close it to new comments and hide it from users except those with 'showdead' set to 'yes' in their profile).

The purpose of flagging is to indicate that a story does not belong on HN. Frivolous flagging—e.g. flagging a story that's clearly on-topic by the site guidelines just because one personally dislikes it—eventually gets an account's flagging privileges taken away. But there's a new 'hide' link for people to click if they'd just like not to see a story.

Flagging of comments is important, too. If you see a comment that breaks the HN guidelines, such as by being uncivil, you should flag it. But there's one extra hoop to jump through in the comment case: you have to click on the comment's timestamp to go to its page, then click 'flag' at the top. That's a speed bump to dampen impulsive flagging.

Ok, that was creepy. I was wondering if I was crazy and if had just commented or not. Thanks for the insight. Is the HN team considering open sourcing more of HN given all the recent changes?

  • Sorry. Our experience is that off-topic meta discussions quickly get out of hand, most of all on divisive threads (which a partisan political thread certainly is). To stave that off I detached your comment right away, but it took time to give you a detailed reply.

    • this is not my thread, but I - and I think probably many other users - do appreciate the increased process transparency on HN, and the clarity and alacrity of decision explanations. Even if people should disagree with some decisions, at least they know what the official positions are. I look forward to more of this increased community information, responsivity and engagement as much as is feasible. Thank you.

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    • I wonder if this might be less necessary with the new collapse and uncollapse features? People can collapse any threads they deem off-topic