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Comment by dceddia

6 years ago

From the article:

> To shut down the web server, run lsof -i :19421 to get the PID of the process, then do kill -9 [process number]. Then you can delete the ~/.zoomus directory to remove the web server application files.

> To prevent this server from being restored after updates you can execute the following in your terminal:

rm -rf ~/.zoomus

touch ~/.zoomus

note the last part where the directory is removed (~/.zoomus) and touch creates a file ~/.zoomus. I am assuming a re-install will fail because it cannot create a directory again when there is already an existing file.

My guess is that if sometime in the future you want to use zoom again, the install will fail until you remove the file ~/.zoom

I did this: 1. killed by process name, and zoom app will 2. fail to start its opener and 3. fail to reinstall it:

  killall ZoomOpener
  chmod -x .zoomus/ZoomOpener.app/Contents/MacOS/ZoomOpener
  sudo chown -R nobody:nobody .zoomus/ZoomOpener.app

  • Doing it that way results in a nuisance prompt from Zoom every time you launch it complaining that it can't launch the opener.

    Here's a modified version that deletes the app, removes the LoginItem if it exists, and makes the ~/.zoomus directory unwritable, which achieves the same thing but avoids the nag:

        killall ZoomOpener
        osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to delete login item "ZoomOpener"'
        rm -rf ~/.zoomus/ZoomOpener.app
        sudo chown -R nobody:nobody .zoomus

Not sure why he didn't just give us

    kill -9 $(lsof -i :19421)

  • For the non bash users among us?

    • There's nothing specifically bash about it, but here's what the components mean:

      "kill" = kill running process

      "-9" = kill as forcefully as possible

      "$(...)" = command substitution: run the stuff inside the brackets and replace this term with the results (it will be the processes to kill in this case).

      "lsof" = list open files (other things like ports and devices count as files on Unix systems)

      "-i" = search for internet address

      ":19421" = local machine, port 19421

      I think they're missing a "-t" on lsof, to make it output process IDs only ("terse mode") instead of a human-readable table:

        kill -9 $(lsof -t -i :19421)

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