Comment by Lazare

5 years ago

When you say it like that, it doesn't sound amazing, but you can also phrase it as:

"JetBrains listened to their customers, took feedback on board, and made meaningful changes that addressed the concerns."

In a perfect world, that would the minimum expected behaviour, but in the world we live in, it's kind of surprising when it happens.

Or.. JetBrains went ahead with a disliked move, then took a half-step back. There's still a half-step in the wrong direction remaining, on top of showing that they would have been willing to go the whole way if they could have gotten away with it.

"JetBrains listened to their customers..."

Yes, you can make something sound positive when you leave out material facts. They knew an expiring license would be much less popular than a non-expiring one before they did it. So, just saying they listened to their customers leaves out the very important detail that they ignored their customers the first time around.

You can frame it whatever you want. Fact is, if not the pushback JetBrains would be worse than Adobe

It wasn't amazing. There was a lot of unneccessary effort to change their mind.