Comment by justapassenger

4 years ago

What they install now is Chinese solar roof. What they Elon showed during presentation was 100% fake.

"Still, the company does acknowledge that the demos Musk unveiled at Universal Studios were not functional"


Not yet manufactured doesn't is not the same as fake.

  • Would a business offering food replicators (the Trek kind that materialise energy into food) seem fraudulent to you? Would they be selling a fake product or just not have manufactured it yet?

    • The difference is intent. A company could be run by a crackpot who sincerely believes that he can create a food replicator and states irrelevant qualifications. His process involves spending day after day drawing paper schematics and putting it in a literal black box. It would never work and couldn't be manufactured but it wouldn't be fraud.

      Making the same claims of goals and taking the money and running? Fraud.