Comment by dawg-

4 years ago

Sorry for the vague wording. I meant "could" not as a statement of their actual ability, but as a hypothetical. If they did make such a car, Tesla would still sell better because of the brand. The current public narrative says that Tesla is cutting edge and futuristic, and Chevy is old school. Tesla's brand evokes images of cars as smart as their drivers, and Chevy evokes muscle cars and old pickup trucks. EV sales will reflect that regardless of how their cars actually compare to one another.

> If they did make such a car, Tesla would still sell better because of the brand.

That is highly questionable to me.

> The current public narrative says that Tesla is cutting edge and futuristic, and Chevy is old school.

That the current 'narrative' because its currently true.

If Chevy made something better than a Tesla for a similar price or cheaper then people would buy it. But they can't.