Comment by catchmeifyoucan

4 years ago

I’m working on Amna ( which lets you organize things into a todo list. Search is definitely a problem, and should not be our primary way of getting to things - especially if we know where they live already (or supposed to live). With a todo list - we make the lookup a little easier because you can ask yourself “what was I working on”?

This looks cool, there's a bunch of ideas here that are similar to scribbled notes on my wall!

I really like the idea of 'everything related to one task in one place'. What I'm planning on doing with the app I'm (trying to) write is extend this to make sense of the fact that your task is in a JD category and might therefore be related to other tasks in the same category.

So I'm looking at `11.01 Some item` and it has a bunch of tasks. Over in `11.04 Another item` I have other tasks, and optionally I can choose to show them -- because they're likely to be at least related to the thing I'm doing. Maybe I can do a bunch of related stuff at the same time?

One of the things I love about JD is the way it helps me stay in context. Everything in a category relates in some way to each other, so given that my job is mental and I do a hundred things a day, I can save myself some cognitive load and at least bunch similar things together.

  • That makes sense! I think context is a really big thing. If you could "merge" things together, that is super cool. Then you can relate two ideas together. Similar to Roam Research.