Comment by wpietri

4 years ago

Thanks for your comments here. They made me see that this is meant for a pretty particular context.

My first reaction was creeping horror, because this feels like a solution to a problem people shouldn't have. But now that I read you talking about the situations you've made this for, I get your point: it's a problem people do have, and one that's not going away any time soon.

Just to save future bathub wear and tear, I'd suggest adding a bit to the top of the website to say who this is for. Just a couple sentences telling the story of your archetypal user would do it. You might also say who it probably isn't for, just so we can get to the dogs wearing clothes images sooner.

Good points, thanks, and probably the main thing I’ll take away from this thread.

“It isn’t for everyone” is absolutely right, and if I can make that separation higher up then it’s better for everyone.