Comment by eyelidlessness

4 years ago

This is visually very attractive. Have you considered supporting uploading structured resume formats like FRESH?

Edit: also I want to emphasize the fact that this looks great on mobile, which isn’t something I always expect in this space. That said I’d consider bumping up the text size a bit (or allowing users to do so for their own profile).

> ...structured resume formats like FRESH...

I've never heard of this (FRESH), and am intrigued and interested. Would you kindly share some more info on this?

Would you be able to provide a link to the FRESH format you mention? What other structured resume formats are there in widespread use?

This is a good suggestion. If I've already gone to the trouble to make a machine-readable resume, it would be nice to at least seed my CV with the data from that file.

I haven't heard of FRESH before, but I'll certainly look into it. Filling out a CV is a chore and anything I can do to make it easier for people would be great.

  • It might also help you refine your data model to use other structured standards as a reference. It’s helped me think about building my own personal site presentation.

I was wondering about the existence of structured resume formats, so thank you for this random piece of knowledge in a place I did not expect to find it.

  • For real. I've been wishing for such a format for years. Now if I find myself applying for jobs, I can sneer derisively at places that don't support any of these, and then grudgingly apply for them manually anyway.