Comment by jariel

4 years ago

You folks may want to reconsider having photos in CVs.

Not only are people going to be very strongly biased by race, ethnicity etc., but also by the trivialities of presentation: dress, apparent attitude, choice of background. All of those things signal 'personal brand'.

These things are becoming 'far too important' in terms of how we evaluate each other and this development is really lacking in self awareness for a generation of folks who are supposed to be against this kind of stuff.

Secondarily, I'm wary that overall, this is just contributes to the 'life resume BS' competition of filling up your professional profile with rubbish to make you seem engaged - much like 'GitHub commits' as some kind of signal of validity.

At least with LinkedIn it's considered to be 'professional' i.e. this is your 'work presentation' - the casual nature of these new CVs tries to blend some personal and aspiration aspects so as to make the individual seem more 'authentic'. This is a creeping cultural problem and might be the source of a lot of baseline social conflict in the office. It's a 'place of work' - your hobbies are nice, but not relevant.