Comment by CyberDildonics

4 years ago

A year after the Los Angeles riots due to four officers being acquitted of excessive force even though they were recorded beating a single black man on the ground?

I distinctly remember the damage to Korean businesses during this time (sacrificed everything to come to America and start business in dangerous low income ghettos and proceeded to lose it all without the government helping) which seems to be an after thought very much like the businesses damaged by subset of BLM rioters but the difference is the rate and speed of information that distinctly produce a very different state of the collective mind.

The reason 90s were much simpler times were because all we had was the TV, mainstream news media outlets, which we know today as far removed from actual journalism. You could turn it off and read a book or play video games (which also suffer from the curse of connectivity today and makes multiplayer a lot more toxic experience).

  • Fuck those Koreans. They came to exploit the poor people in an already oppressive system. They brought into the same hate and racism the whites were using. You guys don’t meet enough people from different backgrounds. Your “side” is all the same. White oppressor or sideline do nothings... yeah white

  • To be clear, you are saying you think the los angeles riots were a happier time (the original poster said happier) and that main stream news is not real journalism?

    • I'm not who you were asking but I thought I'd chime in since I am the OP. I know it is anecdotal, but I heard lots of white people behind closed doors talk about the LA riots and the OJ Simpson trial at the time and they were not offensive about it. That's what I mean by happier time. Bad things will happen in every decade, but how we respond to it and how we treat others defines how happy we will be. I'm hoping 2021 can be the year that empathy and unity starts making a comeback in America.

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Can you be more specific with what you're trying to imply with this question? Do you think that the Rodney King riots are evidence enough that what /u/JohnJamesRambo is observing is incorrect, that people weren't actually happier ~30 years ago?