Comment by CyberDildonics
4 years ago
To be clear, you are saying you think the los angeles riots were a happier time (the original poster said happier) and that main stream news is not real journalism?
4 years ago
To be clear, you are saying you think the los angeles riots were a happier time (the original poster said happier) and that main stream news is not real journalism?
I'm not who you were asking but I thought I'd chime in since I am the OP. I know it is anecdotal, but I heard lots of white people behind closed doors talk about the LA riots and the OJ Simpson trial at the time and they were not offensive about it. That's what I mean by happier time. Bad things will happen in every decade, but how we respond to it and how we treat others defines how happy we will be. I'm hoping 2021 can be the year that empathy and unity starts making a comeback in America.
I was asking the person I replied to.
What are you trying to say by mentioning that white people "were not offensive" about the oj simpson trial? That is not the same thing as a black person getting beat and mamed _on video_, then having the four people responsible get _acquitted_ of wrong doing.
> I'm hoping 2021 can be the year that empathy and unity starts making a comeback in America.
You might have to first realize why some people would feel there are massive systemic injustices. It might have felt simpler and happier when you didn't have to confront extreme imbalances of justice. If you want "empathy and unity" then be part of the solution.
What about the Koreans who were the most impacted by the LA riots? It's sad that it doesn't even register on your radar yet you want to talk about systemic justice smh
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