Comment by ghaff
4 years ago
Arguably a lot of people buy into the buzz around becoming a Tik-Tok, YouTube, or whatever star when the reality is that it's about as likely for most as becoming a Hollywood star is.
Whatever the form, content by itself just doesn't pay a lot for most and never has. I just finished a new edition of a book of mine. It's valuable for "branding" (ugh term I know). But I'll directly make less money than from cranking out a blog post for some company.
Ghaff, some good points too. And am I reading you right; you're saying you could (are) potentially earn more from writing a (paid) blog post than from your own book?
Yes. Exactly.
There are a bunch of reputational benefits to certain types of book writing which (probably) lead to significant career/comp benefits. But the direct money can be less than what companies will pay for a ghostwritten content marketing-type blog. Or even whatever a lot of salaried people earn for doing that sort of work on company time. There's a reason a lot of "creatives" end up working for corporate product companies as their day job.