Comment by Melting_Harps

4 years ago

> He did assholery, publicly known too. Other than that he seems averagely balanced as a human.

Never followed Letterman's work as I never found him funny and it always felt like a used car salemen's type shtick, I was more likely to watch Jay Leno due to him being in LA and loving cars. Honestly Simpsons or Married with Children re-runs were more entertaining than both to me...

But, I watched that Comedy Store documentary from last year and heard from guys like Chris Rock in other interviews throughout the years that Letterman was generally known to be a total miserable grump when not on stage.

His persona and his real life demeanor were 180s of each other, which kind of makes sense the more you learn about how messed up psychologically and emotionally comedians often are and given how much time the spent on Freddy Prince's suicide, it really drove the point home that they are often just broken toys with a narrow focus on doing something to east their deep pain. And Letterman was from that era of comedians and was around the store back then.

I like letterman dry snark. Leno felt too egocentric to me for a reason. I'ma find that video with Rock on DL.