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Comment by davidw

17 years ago

I don't mind, and am often quite fond of the 'tasty brain food' articles when they completely avoid politics/economics/other controversial stuff that generates more heat than light.

Wait until your VCs (econimist) force you to hire a new CEO (politician)and watch him drive the company you and your co-founders have worked hard for and you will see how much politics/economics there really is in the startup environment.

At that period you will start to understand. Be more concerned.

  • I'm quite interested in economics and politics, thanks, I just think they are likely to drag this site down because they start attracting people who are uninterested in the 'hacker' stuff (and ultimately outnumber us by orders of magnitude, because politics are of interest to most people), and result in long, drawn out and often nasty discussions.

    Look at the posting history at the following link. It seems we already have one person who seems to come around mostly for this type of article:


Some stuff is just flash in the pan.

Not especially interesting things sometimes make it to the frontpage for a little while because a couple of people voted for a new item together, but they quickly drop again if more people don't vote or comment.