Comment by proc0
3 years ago
Nice! I'm trying to "solve" the game in my own way (using the minimum amount of buildings necessary) and this will come in handy.
I've been in need of a diagram app, where you can calculate resources, but they're all outdated now, if anyone has one to recommend.
I've used a combination of three mods to help planning.
Rate Calculator lets you select an already-built area and shows you its input and outputs, Factory Planner is pretty neat too with its matrix solver.
Both of those in combination with the Blueprint Lab have been great. Build out the base of your factory in it, save a blueprint, then actually build in your map.
These aren't really diagramming, but I hope they can help.
I'd like to achieve something in vanilla, but these mods could help me get there. Thanks!
Foreman 2.0 is robust Factorio diagramming app. It's capable of creating rather large diagrams, such as this [1] one of an entire Seablock factory.
Another one I like to use for quick diagramming is Factorio Lab [2], which is a web app.
[1] [2]
Nice, thank you, I was using 1.0 and didn't see the update.
Sounds fun! Here's someone else's attempt: You might also like this:
What are your other constraints for that? Not having to manually modify a factory's work I assume? If you're allowed to change the factory's settings you could do it with a very low number using a sushi belt feeding 2 factories to produce output items (one to unbarrel liquids and another to produce all final products and a couple things around the edges to produce raw resources like the liquids and metals.
I want the least amount of necessary assemblers per resource, however I also don't want bottlenecks, which means some resources would have more assemblers than others. The most costly resources would have less assemblers, and the most used resources would have more. A different way to put it would be a factory with the least amount of redundant production.
There are whole calculators for that based on the number of items per minute you want or the number of factories you want to feed. This link is for 1 of each of the non military sciences per second for example. You can even include modules and beacons.