Comment by tkgally
3 years ago
This reminds of a list I’ve been compiling for the past couple of years: English-language software and products with names taken from Japanese. I find them interesting because there has long been awareness, discussion, and controversy in Japan about the opposite phenomenon—English words used in Japanese.
The following examples all came from HN:
Koi Pond, a load testing tool. Koi (鯉) means “carp.”
Anki, a flash card tool often mentioned in HN discussions. Anki (暗記) means “memorization.”
Bento, a framework for development of Linux kernel file systems. A bento (弁当) is a meal in a box.
Umami, a website analytics tool. Umami (旨味)’s original meaning is “taste, flavor, deliciousness”; it now also refers to a particular basic taste sensation.
Senpai, a gaming assistant. Senpai (先輩) means “someone senior to or older than one, typically in an educational or workplace hierarchy.”
Shodan, a search engine. Shodan (初段) means “first-level ranking in a skill, etc.”
YubiKey, an authentication device. Yubi (指) means “finger.”
Asahi Linux. Asahi (朝日, 旭) means “morning sun.”
Neko, a virtual browser. Neko (猫) means “cat.”
Kaitai Struct, a declarative language for binary data structures. Kaitai (解体) means “disassembly.”
Hikari, a custom logon script engine for Windows. Hikari (光) means “light.”
Hikari, a Wayland compositor.
Hikari, a thread manager and dispatcher.
> Shodan, a search engine. Shodan (初段) means “first-level ranking in a skill, etc.”
In this context it's more likely a reference to the malevolent AI in the 1994 video game System Shock --
> Asahi Linux. Asahi (朝日, 旭) means “morning sun.”
As noted on the Asahi web page, it is also the Japanese name for the apple cultivar known in the US as the McIntosh. :)
Of those, the only one I found surprising was yubikey.
My favorite type of loanword is ones that native speakers don't know is a loanword. Fun fact: the "honcho" from "head honcho" is from 班長, "hancho", squad leader.
I live in Japan, I convinced my Japanese bosses to buy a bunch of yubikeys, I make yubitsume all the time... and even then we didn't realize the connection
Uh, you amputate parts of your little finger [1] all the time? That sounds ... rather horrible and I really do hope there's some usage shift that I'm missing.
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Tokei, a lines-of-code counter. Tokei (時計) means "clock", a play on the classic cloc (Count Lines Of Code) program.
Oh there are so many. Roku- because it was the founder's sixth company (means six) Gaikai (owned by Sony now)- 外海 "open sea" A lot of bioinformatics tools with sushi-themed names, stemming in part from the "sashimi plot" and
Himitsu = secret