Comment by teddyh

3 years ago

I often link to these articles. Especially the second one is exactly what you are asking about:

• 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor, May 27, 2011:

• The 5 Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor, January 19, 2012:

• 4 Things Politicians Will Never Understand About Poor People, February 21, 2013:

There were many brilliant Cracked articles in their day.

  • Was this formerly a good site? I remember running into cracked periodically in the last few years and it always looked like the absolute worst of clickbait spam, but these articles are rather decent

    • Once upon a time, yes. I mean, it was always a bit fluffy and lighthearted - that's the point, right? - but they often had quality articles. But then they were acquired in 2016 and it was downhill from there.

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