Comment by TheMiddleMan

3 years ago

The iPhone still doesn't support the fullscreen api. It makes it almost impossible as a web game developer. Extremely frustrating.

Another good one , while iPadOS has support , iPhones , like the op said, does not. One can only speculate this is done as a measure for web apps to not compete against native apps. To me that’s very anticompetitive.

  • My first thought is wondering how you exit full screen on a touch device if the developer doesn't happen to add it into the UI? On the desktop it's easy, just hit the Esc key. How does the iPad handle it?

    • A pinch gesture (Zoom out) cancels it. Very unhelpfully, it also places a hovering X in the top left corner that never goes away. It covers up an area of the screen that a lot of sites would use for a hamburger menu / home link.

  • iPhones also prevent background playback of videos (so no listening to YouTube) — as well as autoplaying a second track after a first, manually played one ends (so no web audio players which are not streaming).