Comment by warrenm
3 years ago
As panarky said [0], the world is run by the young
They say "war is young man's game" - think about the 10s of millions of young men (some as young as 14) that went to war in WWI, WWII, etc
A group of 17-19 year olds is commanded by someone who's only 20 or 21
That you have any security experience, checklists to follow, senior people to rely on (ie the majors and staff sergeants, to continue the analogy) means you're worlds ahead of most people you're going to come in contact with
In Outliers, Gladwell claimed/popularized you need 10000 dedicated practice hours to be an "expert"
But in practice you only need about 200h to be in the top 10th or 5th percentile (or even higher) [1][2] (related: [3] & [4])
And regardless of how "experienced" someone else is (even how much more "experienced" they are than you), they don't have your team behind you, nor the focus that you bring
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