Comment by atemerev

2 years ago

Well, eventually either the governments will survive, or crypto will. Governments (as nation states) exist longer than crypto, but they have their share of problems as of lately.

Are you seriously trying to imply that Bitcoin has a greater chance of survival than the concept of a nation state? Is this a real opinion you're holding in your head?

  • The concept of a nation state exists for around 300 years, and currently in a crisis. Crypto exists for 15 years (also currently in a crisis, to be fair). I think both governments and crypto will survive somehow, but not in their current forms. There might be distributed states, corporate states, fiat states, confederations etc; the “nation” aspect of the nation-state will not survive too long in my opinion (i.e. some people who are alive now will see the end of nation-states). Crypto will be transformed too, perhaps becoming more utilitarian and less reliant on competitive adversarial selection.

    This is all speculative, of course, but I have seen the fall of the Soviet system, and I am well aware that forms of government are not eternal.

    tl;dr but yes. Crypto of the future will look more or less similar to the crypto of today. Governments of the future will look nothing like today’s nation-states.