Comment by pixl97

2 years ago

Man, if this were 1800 you'd be stating that man would never fly and the horse would never be supplanted by the engine. I honestly don't believe you have any scientific or rational reasoning for the point you are attempting to make in your post, because if you were you'd be stating that animal intelligence is magical.

> Man, if this were 1800 you'd be stating that man would never fly and the horse would never be supplanted by the engine.

I'm sorry, what sort of bullshit argument is that ?

Flight and engines are both natural evolution using natural physics and mechanics.

Artificial Intelligence is nothing but a square-peg-round-hole, when you have a sledgehammer everything looks like a nut scenario.

  • They are natural to you maybe with hindsight? Powered flight was most definitely not considered natural at the time. In fact, most attempts at flight were trying to mimic birds at first.

  • Flight and engines are natural evolution but intelligence is magic? Nature accomplished intelligence via random walk and it is a complicated mess because of it. To think that we cannot accomplish at least parts of intelligence is insane to me.