Comment by dorianmariefr

2 years ago

Couldn't we have a Reddit alternative? (I also want a LinkedIn alternative)

Is the problem with LinkedIn entirely the site design patterns? I think a lot of it is the insufferable nature of modern corporate career ladder climbing and self-promotion as a means of self-preservation and advancement in that space.

  • LinkedIn initially was very much a place where the ethos was something like this:

    LinkedIn is a place for professionals to interact with other like minded professionals about the trials, tribulations and successes of work

    Unfortunately, it morphed into what is basically a job hunting platform with social media behaviors as your gateway to getting a job, rather than just applying for a job.

    This change is what leads to all the self promotion, the "always positive always on" hype posts, the corporate media campaigns etc. Not to mention every friend request got loaded with "is this random person trying to get me to recommend them for a job?" type thing.

    The organic lets talk about work authentically with others in the profession type stuff is minimized and in some cases I think its gone completely.

    To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that it really is the only place to reach recruiters and hiring managers directly, I wouldn't be on LinkedIn anymore at all. It has otherwise lost all career value to me

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Seems to be the way of many companies.