Comment by naikrovek

2 years ago

third party apps serve far fewer ads, or no ads, and offer functionality that neither the website nor the official app support.

life is better on Reddit with a 3rd party client.

Why should reddit have to freely support a third-party client that doesn't provide revenue for them?

The only reason is that the status quo is they have in the past freely supported these use cases, but it doesn't seem that unreasonable for commercial use API access to cost money.

  • why haven't they served ads via the API then? no one is stopping them.

    they haven't done so because they have chosen not to. they are still choosing not to.

    this is a calculated move by reddit to extract the highest amount of money possible from 3rd party app developers, and the users of these apps are who is going to suffer. reddit waited until API use was counted on by some portion of its users before they pulled this lever. it's predatory.

  • I don't think they should - I'd be happy if they served ads over the API. I use a third party app because I prefer the interface, not purely because it's ad free although that is obviously a nice benefit.

    I wouldn't personally pay for Reddit Premium so if ads are the only way to keep third party apps viable then so be it.