Comment by renewiltord

2 years ago

Or alternatively, economic conditions are so much better than before that those who would marry for that no longer need to.

From TFA: "Black 40-year-olds were much more likely to have never married than Hispanic, White and Asian 40-year-olds."

My understanding is that economic conditions for Blacks are not significantly better than those of Whites and Asians, and are probably somewhat worse.

Which suggests your hypothesis is not backed by data.

How are economic conditions better now than they were a decade or two ago?

  • Well 20 years ago was the dot com crash that wiped out an incredible amount of economic activity in the US.

    2013 was still suffering from the after effects of the great recession that caused massive unemployment and a incredible increase in suffering.

    How are current economic conditions worse than two of the greatest crashes in US history? YoY inflation is drastically slowing and unemployment is at record lows.

    The economy is doing pretty goddamn amazingly right now

    • > How are current economic conditions worse than two of the greatest crashes in US history?

      I'll present most of FL as an example. During those crashes, one could still subsist on 2 typical incomes. FF to today and basic expenses have skyrocketed; it takes 4 typical incomes to live tight. Worse is that expenses are still climbing fast.

      The economy may be spectacular for some folks but it pales against the expenses faced by most folks.