Comment by photonthug

2 years ago

> I have had my card locked for traveling within the same city and spending maybe $20 at a merchant I don’t usually visit. I had it locked because of a $5 web service monthly charge - and I had verified the same charge the two prior months.

This happens to me almost every time Skype bills me, and I've been a customer for probably 10+ years with both my bank and Skype, and the billing is regular as clockwork. For at least of half of that time, I've complained about it vocally and customer service can't do anything. Now I think about this every single time I hear "AI-assisted fraud detection", and by extension, "AI-assisted security" and really "AI-assisted XYZ". Without another credit card, I guess I'd simply live in constant fear of being embarrassingly declined totally at random on any/every transaction. It's not like I* know the billing cadence, even though my bank has a decade of history.

Clearly they are simply selling my history to the highest bidder, because they certainly aren't using it to help me. On a related note, ever notice that vanilla "exact substring match" search even in gmail is just as bad as google web search? All these corporations that are allegedly indexing us to "value-add" with some perfect high-resolution consumer model can't even do basic shit despite all the spying. I almost expect* my privacy to be fucked, like I guess hey that's modernity. What never ceases to surprise me lately is how the pretense has kind of dropped and we get nothing in exchange, even petty conveniences.

> This happens to me almost every time Skype bills me, and I've been a customer for probably 10+ years with both my bank and Skype

Why are you still with that bank? Even if you like everything else about them, couldn't you just open an account with another bank for Skype billing? Having more than one account is helpful anyway for avoiding having a single point of failure where you can't buy anything.