Comment by pavlov

1 year ago

It looks very cool, but what is it for? What can you do with this language that’s unique or useful?

The site feels more like an intelligence test or a riddle. “Here are N possible statements and M possible words, figure it out if you can.”

It is true that I am not clear about how should I put this idea to practical usage.

And I was also deeply puzzled when I first read Lafont's paper "Interaction Nets" (a paper publish at 1990!)

> What unique about this computation model?

Every computations in interaction nets can be easily done in parallel.

Some algorithm that make heavy use of graph might be easier to express in interaction nets, the main example is Lamping's paper called "An algorithm for optimal lambda calculus reduction".

> What unique about this language?

My humble contribution to interaction nets is to use a stack-based lower layer language to build graph, maybe this idea can be applied to other places, and maybe this idea can provide us an opportunity to make the whole language practical.

> How to be practical and useful?

Currently the language only has a pure core, just like pure Haskell without any IO,

I planed to implement inet again in a system programming language (maybe C, C++, Rust, Zig).

And add built-in functions about IO to it, we can do this in a way that will not hurt the purity of the core, by only extending the lower layer stack-based language.