Comment by mjg59

1 year ago

The problem with the PC world is that the firmware and OS teams are not only working for different companies, they're working on different timescales and release cadences. Android devices and Macs are in an entirely different situation here, so the only really comparable example is the Chromebook - and that's a market where if Google doesn't want to support your hardware you don't get to ship it.

The point isn't that they're comparable, obviously they aren't. It's that the techniques used to solve the problem (synchronize "timescales and release cadences" in your example) are engineering management things and not technologies.

It's true that "Linux vs. Lenovo" doesn't have the same engineering practice tools available. But... evangelizing technological tools like "ACPI" isn't a path to a solution, because... those tools just don't work.

Or rather they don't work in the absence of someone addressing the engineering practice problem. They work fine to do what they're designed to do. But what they're designed to do emphatically isn't "Make Lenovo Hardware Work With Linux".

  • My point is that focusing on tight integration between OS teams and the underlying platform is a great way to develop a device that only runs one operating system and a terrible way to develop a device that's supposed to be part of an open ecosystem. ACPI is the least bad way we currently have to solve the latter problem. It doesn't guarantee that a Lenovo will work with Linux, but in the absence of an explicit development program it gives it a fighting chance.

    • ACPI is only the "least bad way" because vendors don't release sufficient information to do anything else. Microsoft and Intel just specify progressively more convoluted nonsense, require OEMs to pass spec or they can't buy chips or Windows licenses, and nothing ever gets any better until some dedicated hobbyist reverse-engineers whatever ridiculous software most recently won someone a promotion. You don't need tight integration between hardware and OS teams, you just need any transparency from the hardware side, and we don't get that any more.

      The least bad way would be for the people building the computers to document them sufficiently well for software engineers to support them, but part of the PC market mass hallucination is that every OEM's particular way of doing exactly the same shit is some magic secret recipe, and letting the competition see the herbs and spices would be the end of the world. Meanwhile the entire market segment derives from the original IBM PC being designed by adults with sufficient discipline that the resulting product consituted a platform. All we've seen since is various scavengers fighting ridiculous turf wars over the ruins of interoperability.

      It's an industry-wide case of learned helplessness. It's a morass that is holding back innovation, and "at least the septic tank is only waist deep" isn't really much of a contribution toward solving anything. I wish there were for personal computers what Oxide is for datacenter engineering, but wishing isn't much of a contribution either.

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