Comment by stcredzero

13 years ago

If Smalltalkers really believe their environment is the right way to code, their attitude should not be one of "we did this first, meh"

That was totally not the spirit in which I meant my post. It's more like, "I told you so!" (My mind works differently, I guess. I present facts that challenge people's model of the world, hoping the curious absorb the information and run with it. Many people seem to take these as some kind of attack.)

Ah, understood. Tone threw me off and it's all too common to see the attitude I outlined above when old ideas are given fresh paint. Apologies for misrepresenting your view.

  • > Apologies for misrepresenting your view.

    Oh please. He even misrepresented his own view.

    "I wasn't attacking anyone, I was only letting everybody know they've been told"

    The constructive bit of information was "hey cool this uses a lot of the concepts SmallTalk used in the 80s, great to see it getting some traction" instead of "I told you so!".

    • After a decade of waiting, I think I'm entitled to express a bit of frustration.

      Your position is quite contradictory. Do you really think I'd extoll these capabilities for years while mainstream programmers pooh-poohed me, then suddenly change my position to "meh?" "I told you so," seems to be the most sensible response to me.