Comment by waqf

13 years ago

In most cases there's little reason to have the code in monospaced font either. People really just need their blocks (and their continuation lines) to be properly left-aligned, and that works fine, because even in proportional fonts, a tab at the beginning of the line is always the same width.

Just don't mix spaces and tabs.

Sometimes you want columns of figures to be aligned throughout, but fortunately most fonts respect the rule that all digits should be the same width (for exactly this reason).

My emacs is set for Dejavu Sans semicondensed bold at 6pt ... I find that for code, bold or demibold works a lot better than regular weight.

Disclaimer: although I really do code in proportional fonts, using emacs is only a 90% solution. It's harder to navigate code when hitting the up/down keys causes your cursor to jump left and right because emacs' proportional-font implementation is just a thin skin over a fixed-width world. I'm still looking for a next-generation IDE which will free me from this kind of issue.