Comment by consumer451
1 year ago
I have a related question. What are some plausible explanations as to why community notes still exist?
The most charitable explanation is that Musk believes in the concept, even though it is often used against him and his online friends.
A less charitable explanation would be that some regulation requires it. Maybe the consent decree?
Would anyone who is better informed on the matter care to share an opinion?
Having listened to Musk speak on the topic: he seems to believe in community notes as an effective way to suss out truth in a less biased way. He sounds like a fan.
He also has the ability to delete them off his tweets (and presumably others he agrees with)
It's a rigged system but seeing idiots and liars get smacked upside the head [1] in a public way is definitely helpful
But when he got Community Noted he called it state sponsored action:
> Interesting. This Note is being gamed by state actors. Will be helpful in figuring who they are. Thanks for jumping in the honey pot, guys lmao!
It's plausible that state actors would try to game community notes somehow. It's hard but no system is perfect and there are very refined actors out there.
3 replies →
I was just about to post this. And am I reading the situation correctly, did the note that he was complaining about get removed? I don't see one on the parent post.
Maybe it's just not bad at all for impressions and engagement metrics?
I appreciate the notes even when they are directed against my ideological team/side. They help provide important, missing context or facts. The notes are a not-positive.
"not-negative" ?
That was his excuse for eviscerating (not paying for) T&S. Since that decision cannot have been wrong, community notes must be working as intended.
Community notes allows him to say that a system exists for moderation that doesn't involve X.
Which is true at lower volumes of disinformation but during events e.g. Israel-Gaza community notes simply can't keep up.
And this is the concern that the EU and others have rightly raised.
Basically, "it's ok if we have disinformation on this site, it will have a community note attached"
Most of the top 10 accounts with most community notes are plain disinformation accounts. No action is taken against them.