Comment by themaninthedark

1 year ago

In order for me to lose this game, I would have to be opposed to the speech of the above groups that you just listed.

I am all for their speech as well as speech by anti-vaxers, alt-right, conservative christians.

The problem is that we have many here that don't want to accept that the opposite of speech is not silence but is in fact more speech.

I would also not call myself a "free speech absolutist", I believe there should be no restrictions on the discussion of ideas but would be against the ability of anyone being able to slander and libel others.

I quite honestly think that our slander and libel laws are too permissive. If I were to take your picture and publish it on social media with an accusation, that would make you a "public person" who then has no recourse to any damage that I have caused.