> If this is true, if Israel was really in cahoots to censor anything pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli, I wish they would do a better job. I would pay $100/month to each of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get a Palestine/Israel-free feed.
Just add mute words in Twitter for Israel, Palestine and a few variants and you can ignore what is going on really easily. I did this for Elon and Musk and it made the platform much more bearable for me.
> Without exaggeration, 99% of all suggested content I get on each of these three platforms is pro-palestinian.
Well, unfortunately social media doesn't stop wars, otherwise it would have stopped by now based on likes and retweets. I think a lot of people think it does, but social media has little affect on politicians.
> I think a lot of people think it does, but social media has little affect on politicians.
The politicians want you to think that, but they are beholden to public opinion and follow the herd. There's a reason that powerful actors spend many resources on manipulating social media.
In my experience political donations make more of an impact on politicians than social media. AIPAC is incredibly effective and it is ramping up donations to keep politicians supportive of Israel in their seats: https://readsludge.com/2024/01/02/aipac-makes-record-donatio...
Your glib, sarcastic, bombastic, inappropriate remark aside, the point is that NOBODY is being censored. Claims of censorship are an age old tactic by groups of all sides to get attention.
Censorship actually does happen. In the case of the Gaza war, there's a bunch of evidence. Your refutation doesn't offer much argument: Saying it's impossible a priori is obviously false. Saying you see allegedly censorable content argues, to a degree, against a strawperson: That if censorhips worked there would be no such content.
> I'm not sure I have seen a single post ono any of those platforms which more than 50 comments which did not have at least one "ceasefirenow", palestinian flag and watermelon emoji, or in the case of facebook, a crude palestinian flag from different colored emojis.
This is from your first post. Why do you think people have had to resort to watermelons and other emoji combinations in comments on those platforms?
The only censorship I am seeing anywhere is when somebody challenges the notion that censorship is happening, because that challenges the wound-seeking nature of the post.
His remark is inappropriate, but you saying you don't care about the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and wish Israel did a better job of censoring it is appropriate?
How is killing 30,000 civilians defensive? How is continuing to take hostages in both the West Bank and Gaza defensive? How is targeting journalists reporting on the conflict defensive? On a prima facia basis, it's laughable to call it "defensive."
Hamas's rockets in Gaza are high school science fair-level munitions. It's not like they're getting billions in US taxpayer money.
Israel is just using this as an excuse to "liquidate" the Gaza Strip.
> If this is true, if Israel was really in cahoots to censor anything pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli, I wish they would do a better job. I would pay $100/month to each of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get a Palestine/Israel-free feed.
Just add mute words in Twitter for Israel, Palestine and a few variants and you can ignore what is going on really easily. I did this for Elon and Musk and it made the platform much more bearable for me.
> Without exaggeration, 99% of all suggested content I get on each of these three platforms is pro-palestinian.
Well, unfortunately social media doesn't stop wars, otherwise it would have stopped by now based on likes and retweets. I think a lot of people think it does, but social media has little affect on politicians.
> I think a lot of people think it does, but social media has little affect on politicians.
The politicians want you to think that, but they are beholden to public opinion and follow the herd. There's a reason that powerful actors spend many resources on manipulating social media.
In my experience political donations make more of an impact on politicians than social media. AIPAC is incredibly effective and it is ramping up donations to keep politicians supportive of Israel in their seats: https://readsludge.com/2024/01/02/aipac-makes-record-donatio...
AIPAC is also going to try to take out most of the members of the progressive squad, unsure if they will be effective, but they are spending $100M to do so: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/11/squad-primary-ba...
1 reply →
Your glib, sarcastic, bombastic, inappropriate remark aside, the point is that NOBODY is being censored. Claims of censorship are an age old tactic by groups of all sides to get attention.
Censorship actually does happen. In the case of the Gaza war, there's a bunch of evidence. Your refutation doesn't offer much argument: Saying it's impossible a priori is obviously false. Saying you see allegedly censorable content argues, to a degree, against a strawperson: That if censorhips worked there would be no such content.
> I'm not sure I have seen a single post ono any of those platforms which more than 50 comments which did not have at least one "ceasefirenow", palestinian flag and watermelon emoji, or in the case of facebook, a crude palestinian flag from different colored emojis.
This is from your first post. Why do you think people have had to resort to watermelons and other emoji combinations in comments on those platforms?
> But it's actually happening.
The only censorship I am seeing anywhere is when somebody challenges the notion that censorship is happening, because that challenges the wound-seeking nature of the post.
His remark is inappropriate, but you saying you don't care about the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and wish Israel did a better job of censoring it is appropriate?
But it's actually happening.
Calling a defensive war genocide is a demonization of Israel
(rockets targeted at civilians are continously being fired from inside the Gaza Strip)
How is killing 30,000 civilians defensive? How is continuing to take hostages in both the West Bank and Gaza defensive? How is targeting journalists reporting on the conflict defensive? On a prima facia basis, it's laughable to call it "defensive."
Hamas's rockets in Gaza are high school science fair-level munitions. It's not like they're getting billions in US taxpayer money.
Israel is just using this as an excuse to "liquidate" the Gaza Strip.