Comment by JeffSnazz
1 year ago
> I'm not trying to argue one should take Israel's word at face value (of course you should subject it to scrutiny as well), but yes, Israel, a liberal democratic state with a free press, strong left-wing movement, and the second biggest tech sector out of silicon valley, is far more trustworthy than Hamas, a repressive, fundamentalist, authoritarian regime with no free press.
None of this has any bearing on whether or not Israel's word is actually worth anything (...or Hamas's word, for that matter).
Yes it does. When the Hamas government lies in Gaza (say about a death toll) there is no one to question them or dispute their narrative. By contrast, in Israel, when the government lies it's a national pasttime to criticize and dispute them. For this reason, it's easier to tell when the Israeli government is lying than when Hamas lies.