Comment by appplication

1 year ago

The Buddhists were right about something. Life is suffering. I gotta stop writing here before I get too nihilistic. The posted article and some of the stories here are tragic. I wish I had something better to say.

Well, the Buddhists are more optimistic than that! They have lots of techniques and ways of thinking to reduce suffering. I recommend reading up on their life philosophy, they’re far from nihilists.

I always found it interesting how many western religions and their followers maintain their faith in a “good” God, even in the face of terrible personal tragedy. I’m happy that people do, since it seems to help them and anything that does that is great.

I’m personally more beholden to the Warhammer (yes, out of anything…) quote: “it was the moment I began to believe, God was real, and He hated us.”.

  • If you accept the Christian view of God, then that God knows what it is to lose a son. He knows firsthand what he's costing you when he allows it to happen to you.

    You may question his wisdom if you want. You may question his reasons for allowing it. But at least he's taken his own medicine.

    • There is also the part where human suffering is our problem because someone ate an apple and it gave us free will and the responsibility of our own lives. Still doesn’t change the thousands of children who died in some war zone today, or the ones who died from starvation and so on.

      If you really watch that sort of thing from the sidelines with the power to stop it, then you probably aren’t too benevolent. Then again, the last time the Christian God wanted to solve “our” moral issues He drowned everyone but Noah.

      Anyway, I’m happy people find comfort in their faith. I even sort of wish I could, but I just can’t get past the watching of all the evil and doing nothing to stop it. You wouldn’t let your toddlers set fire to each other either, well, I hope you wouldn’t.

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