Comment by The_Colonel

1 year ago

> is the security issue of a Palestinian population that has held since 1948 that they are still at war with Israel, will never accept a Jewish state in the region

Will Israelis accept a sovereign Palestinian state in the region? A clear NO.

Even the 1990s / 2000s two-state solutions were never meant from Israeli side as recognizing full sovereignty of Palestine - it was meant to be more like an Israeli protectorate with its own administration but without its own armed forces, no control over air space etc.

> and will one day drive the Jews into the sea

While many Israelis are eager to drive Palestinians to the sea. (check Daniela Weiss as a somewhat prominent example)

The current government seems to want to ethnically cleanse Gaza. The West Bank has to expect a similar fate, just way slower with expanding settlements.

> but I think it's difficult to claim that the current system is primarily an ethnic or racial one when it doesn't apply to the millions of Palestinians who are accepting of their neighbors

Still apartheid. You can't explain it away so easily.


  • > not a single country will accept a soverein Palestenian state, because they're ruled by terrorists.

    You yourself say that Palestinians can live completely peacefully, why can't they have a sovereign state with a better government? I hope that after years of Israeli government / Netanyahu supporting Hamas [1], they will change the strategy.


    > 20% of the Knessest is Muslim/Arab. Have you been to Israel? Muslims, Jews, Christians all coexist peacefully you have no idea what apartheid means.

    The apartheid regime is instituted in Gaza and West Bank, not in Israel proper.

  • > you want a terrorist nation having a full functioning military and access to nuclear weapons? really?

    we already have several: US, Russia, China....and Israel.

    Murder/attempted murder of adversary citizens in neutral territory is just one of a legion of examples of behavior the West constantly criticizes Russia for, by the way.