Comment by willio58
1 year ago
Fully agreed. That the ICJ didn't order a ceasefire in this matter is honestly disgusting and just shows who's lives they value more.
As an American Jew (non-religious), I cannot express enough how sad this entire situation has made me. I grew up learning about the Holocaust and learning how important it is for people to stand up when a government turns in that direction. Those morals meant I always knew that Israel was wrong in the situation with Palestine but this conflict has definitely lifted any clouds that remained on the situation.
If you don't think Israel is a pure and simple apartheid state, I would very much recommend looking up the word in a dictionary. It's horrible that anyone has died on either side, but the imbalance at the current time in lives lost is just.. saddening. When it comes to genocide, it's one of those things where you know it when you see it and if you don't see it I say open your eyes.
Israel and the west can continue to label millions of people as terrorists to justify their acts, but history will hopefully look at this event with more understanding and empathy for those people Israel have shoved into small corners and starved of resources for decades. October 7 was terrible and should not have happened, but do you blame the oppressed people or do you blame the powerful government that has oppressed them?
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