Comment by zmgsabst
1 year ago
That alone doesn’t amount to a genocide:
- They’re displaced because there was active fighting in their homes.
- Hospitals were destroyed because they were being used as military outposts.
Neither of those violates the rules of war, though Hamas using hospitals as outposts is a war crime.
I think it’s a tragedy the government of Gaza brought this disaster down upon them by committing war crimes against their stronger neighbor and then further war crimes using their own population as human shields.
But that’s not a genocide.
Gaza can surrender any time and the collateral damage isn’t out of line with modern urban conflicts. Eg, US in Iraq.
Hamas was not using hospitals as outposts. That's been debunked time and time again.
Here's a video of an RPG being fired from the doorstep of a hospital.
That first video looks like a guy with an RPG walking around an already bombed out parking lot (not firing at anything).
What the second video is supposed to show is anyone's guess.