Comment by kar5pt
1 year ago
Have you read through their case? It's pretty weak in my opinion. They seem to think that any war with a high number of casualties and insufficient humanitarian aid counts as genocide. By their standard the US committed "genocide" against Japan in WW2, arguably Germany too.
By todays standard it would be a genocide. How do you think people would react if e.g. Russia nuked 2 large cities in Ukraine leading to 100K+ deaths?
It would be a prelude to WW3 with an increasing likelihood of nuclear escalation. In which case cities in Russia, Europe and the US would be at risk.
> By their standard the US committed "genocide" against Japan in WW2, arguably Germany too.
Germany, yes? That's the primary example of genocide in the 20th century.
"The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II." (First sentence of Wikipedia.)
(I think widespread bombing of cities is a different crime.)
The person isn’t saying that Germany committed genocide during WW2, which is obviously true, but pointing out that by the above definition of genocide, the US committed genocide against Germany and Japan during WW2.
That isn't my reading of the case