Comment by Aeolun

1 year ago

> All correct and yet, what should happen?

Happy, fed, employed people do not become terrorists. They have too much to lose.

That is certainly not true. Exhibit A: Osama bin Laden’s father was literally a multi-billionaire and he himself inherited $30-50 million.

  • You think Osama was happy? The man was clearly very, very angry about something, and I doubt it was inheriting a bunch of money.

Too bad gaza has no land or economy to feed and employ themselves.

Not if they have more to gain in 'heaven'. Remember, Hamas are religious fanatics.

  • They have to be religious fanatics because that’s all they have to cling to. If I’m going to fight a losing battle against a grossly superior enemy I also want to believe that I’ll end up in paradise for it.

    You might note that that brand of fanaticism goes down rapidly in countries that have high standards of living.

  • and the IDF is not? There's a lot of videos showing the IDF dancing holding up Torah scroll in destroyed hospitals or buildings.