Comment by dang

1 year ago

We've had to warn you before not to post religious flamewar comments to HN (and also nationalistic and ideological flamewar comments). We end up having to ban accounts that do this repeatedly, because it's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for. I don't want to ban you! So pleae don't do this on HN.

Argh! I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to start a flamewar. And we have discussed this before, probably. (I have a 2 year old toddler. Sleep is... affected, I will just say that. And consequently, memory.)

I guess I do not yet understand the framework within which I can discuss this rationally (if at all), especially given this topic. If there is no such framework on HN, especially given the topic... That's what I'd like to understand.

I will try to remember this time :/ Sorry Dang!! Don't want to be an unnecessary burden!!

Question: If my comment had ONLY consisted of quotes from the Quran/Hadith, would that also be flagged?

I did my homework here (regarding the muslim thing) and the one unifying thing I found is the specific religious beliefs in Islam, which literally every terrorist quotes (here is one of many examples I found: The difficulty I seem to be having here is me not understanding why this rational endeavour I undertook is somehow wrong. I feel like simply researching this was a mistake at this point, which is weird (and seemingly only applicable to this one topic- I have NOT found this to be the case with ANY other topic I've researched... but that is perhaps the nature and the danger with religious beliefs)

Admittedly, some of my language was probably a bit edgy.

  • why this rational endeavour I undertook is somehow wrong.

    The fact that something is bad for a nerd messageboard is not some absolute judgement on its wrongness or rightness. 'This or that religion is better or worse than some other religion' is not a discussion that works on HN and, as you know, is not allowed here. There's no 'rational' or 'good faith' variant you can come up that would work so just don't do it on this forum.

    • Good answer, sorry for pushing the rules, thanks for elucidating me for the second and hopefully last time.

      This might be a funny time to ask, but do you guys need mod help? The best way to learn something is to teach it, they say...

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