Comment by halflife 1 year ago Water and electricity were both resumed in oct. 15th. 2 comments halflife Reply waffleiron 1 year ago Here is an Israel Times article from the 28th that seems to prove that to be untrue for electricity (but true for water although severely reduced). Could you source that statement? halflife 1 year ago I stand corrected, water were resumed but electricity was not.
waffleiron 1 year ago Here is an Israel Times article from the 28th that seems to prove that to be untrue for electricity (but true for water although severely reduced). Could you source that statement? halflife 1 year ago I stand corrected, water were resumed but electricity was not.
Here is an Israel Times article from the 28th that seems to prove that to be untrue for electricity (but true for water although severely reduced). Could you source that statement?
I stand corrected, water were resumed but electricity was not.