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Comment by matsemann

1 year ago

> We are not committing any genocide. The give away for Genocide is that there are mass graves, which in Gaza there are not.

How many Hamas terrorists have you killed compared to the now over 10 000 children?

The fact that there is no one to bury them doesn't mean it's not a genocide, come on..

> so we have no choice but to kill them too

When you fire at children playing in the streets, you had a choice. If you can't see that, you've lost all humanity..

> but we do not specifically target them

Hundreds of videoes proves otherwise. Where fleeing civilians are gunned down.

> Personally, as a commander, I would like to say that I have no ill feelings towards the Palestinian people

But your leaders have. And your peers, judging by videoes they posts about the cruelty they do.

> but we need to get as many of the hostages back as possible

You say that, but then you bomb every structure you find, and even shoot the fleeing hostages yourself. It doesn't really seem you care too much for them, they're merely a convenient excuse to do your horrors.

> Please support us and help rid the world of violent terrorism

You can start by laying down your weapon. What you're doing to Palestinian civilians is terrorism.