Comment by Asafp

1 year ago


> Big difference is that Israel is not targeting civilians on purpose

I think this is not a justified statement. Keeping in mind hat israeli government is clearly very far right, and on multiple occasions have brought up deranged things about Amalek, about "no innocents in Gaza", I think one can establish a reasonable doubt about the true intent of idf actions.

  • Israel is not targeting civilians, thats a fact. It gains nothing from hitting them, and trying it best to evacuate them to safe zones. Why would they try to hit civilians? and if they did, why they didnt try to fire into the safe zones? (whom Hamas have fired rockets into Israel from multiple times, yet Israel didnt attack in order to not hit civilians, while risking its own civilians) The people making decisions right now are not far-right, the far-right have been moved to the side line when it comes to the war decision making.Instead Gants and Eizenkot joined, whom both are moderate right. All the sentence you quoted are out of context and were said just after a few days that Israel suffered the biggest massacre, the entire country was in trauma and in emotions.

    • Look, I live in remote corner of ex-USSR, do not care about intricacies of israel politics, all I can see is the top leaders of the country (minister of security, president, defence ministers) keep saying these weird stuff at all phases of he conflict; every other day some mad shit israeli army did again gets posted on X.

      All israeli govt is far far right. Likud won't fly in anywhere in civilise world. Just seeing freaks like Smotrich and Ben-Gvir being actually employed in israel says a lot about israel. I am not good at these pilpul games of who slightly less crazy right wing who is more, what was the context of bibis deranged rants, so yeah. IMO israel as well may be targeting civilians. W#hich what ICJ had found that day.

      You words are worthless to me, my friend. I make jusdgemjents from what I see, and I think that israel does target civilians in Gaza.

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