Comment by YeGoblynQueenne

1 year ago

>> Hamas was located in a significant want under Al-shifa. Israel released video of our commando unit raiding it. You can find that video online. Hard to watch.

I can't find that video online. I can find a video that shows a tunnel, allegedly under Al Shifa, and ending in a blast door.

IDF publishes footage of what it says is Hamas tunnel at al-Shifa hospital

I cannot find any "hard to watch" video of "commando units raiding" the tunnel. Do you have a direct link to such a video?

Note that the claim was not that there was a "significant [ward?]" under the Al-Shifa hospital. The claim was that Hamas had its headquarters under Al-Shifa.

For example, this claim was made by Isaac Herzog, the President of Israel, in an interview with Laura Kuenssberg of the BBC, where Isaac Herzog claimed IDF is not actually attacking Al-Shifa:

[my transcript]: Undrerneath Shifa there is a huge huge terror base, actually the headquarters, the headquarters of Hamas Isis operations is right there under Shifa.

So far, no such "yuge yuge terror base" has been found under Al-Shifa, or under any of the other hospitals targeted by the IDF.