Comment by tptacek

1 year ago

A supermajority of all Gazans are too ever to have voted (in part because Hamas, which won the 2006 election by throwing PA supporters off rooftops, hasn't allowed another election since). It is not reasonable to say that Gazans elected Hamas.

If Hamas held new elections, they'd likely win easily, because they are so popular with Palestinians in Gaza. From the perspective of the average Gazan, Hamas massacres the hated Israeli oppressor, Fatah collaborates with them. Even Gazans who dislike certain aspects of Hamas rule - the corruption and the ultra-rigid interpretations of Islam – mostly still approve of the October 7 atrocity [0]. I suppose, if Israeli soldiers had killed my father or mother or sister or brother or son or daughter – whatever the rights or wrongs of that military action in the abstract – I might also find it hard to resist that temptation.

The PA refuses to hold new elections in the West Bank, because they know if they do, Hamas will very likely win. The US makes some noises every now and again about demanding the PA to hold new elections, but it is questionable if they really mean it, because they also know what the outcome of any fair election is likely to be, and it is not an outcome they would welcome.


  • I'm not so sold on conviction through precognition.

    • I never said anything about “convicting” anyone, I was simply describing the reality on the ground (insofar as I understand it)