Comment by llimos

1 year ago



  • Israel in its current form has existed for ~2.2% of the history of the Jewish people. Antisemitism has existed for most of that time.

    If Israel wasn't Jewish, it wouldn't need the PR. See: all the other countries doing far worse things, that nobody cares about.

    • Who would've thought creating a nation within the territory of another would be met with hatred from those who's homes were stolen...

    • Countries can change wildly in a generation. They don't get a good behavior pass for historical dates when different people were in power or even alive.

    • So as long as Israel is jewish we should let it do whatever it wants? What exactly would Israel have to do to the Palestinians before they cross the line in your opinion?

      3 replies →

> “This level of organization only exists on one side of the conflict,” said Emerson T. Brooking, a former cyber policy adviser to the Defense Department who studies disinformation and propaganda campaigns as a resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. “It exists for pro-Israel voices, and it exists because there are government ministries in Israel that support these tools and encourage their use.”

> Brooking and other experts said they aren’t aware of any similar tools for Palestinian supporters.

  • Palestinian supporters could use the same apps and just comment with support instead of abusing the reporting system on pro-Palestine posts.