Comment by dang
1 year ago
> it's hard to believe that HN users would be tired of LLM-related news
For sure many are. This happens with every Major Ongoing Topic (MOT) and LLMs are way beyond a MOT [1]. The hivemind tires of repetition extremely quickly [2]. The trick is to try to separate wheat from chaff, where 'wheat' means the stories that bring Significant New Information (SNI) [3] and 'chaff' means the follow-up and copycat stories, which are legion [4].
It's important to understand are that there's a wide spectrum of opinion about this stuff. If you imagine a slider with "allow zero posts about $TOPIC" at one end, and "allow all posts about $TOPIC" at the other end, pretty much every user would slide it to a different position. This is true for every $TOPIC and especially for the biggest ones.
Frontpage space is the scarcest resource HN has [5] and every reader has a different 'signature' of preferences that they would like to see (or not see) there. This means not only that it's impossible to satisfy everybody, but that it's impossible to fully satisfy anybody—because nobody's 'signature' is perfectly matched on the front page, and (lest any of you be thinking of this quick riposte) certainly not the mods'!
Have you ever considered writing a book about what you've learned about moderation and community?
You seem to have developed these concepts pretty extensively. Seeing you break down this terminology whets my appetite to hear from you in long form.
I'd be pretty miserable doing that, but one of these years I'd like to condense the past explanations into something a bit more definitive and put them up as sort of glosses on the site guidelines. I imagine most of those HN Search links I'm constantly posting could be replaced by a link to some sort of canonical paragraph on the topic.