Comment by mikysco
1 year ago
Sam Altman led invests in a nuclear fusion company, Helion. Guessing the potential conflict of interest is why the 2nd article drew vote controversy.
1 year ago
Sam Altman led invests in a nuclear fusion company, Helion. Guessing the potential conflict of interest is why the 2nd article drew vote controversy.
This is the kind of explanation that makes sense when the association happens to come to mind—in this case, something like: HN -> YC -> Sam -> Helios -> nuclear -> obvious conflict of interest -> QED. But such chains of associations rarely have anything to do with what happened to a story on HN. The explanation is almost certainly much simpler.
In the case of, it just set off the flamewar detector, a,k.a. the overheated discussion detector. We sometimes turn that penalty off, but in a case like this we wouldn't do that because "$Celebrity says $thing about $common-subject" is almost never a substantial story. It's essential to HN to clear such stories off the front page in order to make room for more interesting, less sensational things. If we didn't, the front page would consist of little else.