Comment by Raicuparta

1 year ago

I'm currently suffering the pains of developing a Tauri app that relies on the system WebView (which is the default for Tauri). It's unreliable (especially on Windows where people love to mess around and run "debloat" scripts), and causes slight differences on each platform. Tauri lets you bundle the WebView, but this causes the installer to grow like 150 MB. I presume this alternative would be a lot smaller.

After messing around with various cross platform desktop toolkits, including a big Electron app and some smaller Tauri apps, I've settled on Flutter. It's not perfect but the results I'm getting are so far much better than anything I was able to achieve using repurposed web tech.

  • How is desktop performance and startup times for you with Flutter? I tested some flutter apps like Flutter Folio and they seemed to perform poorly.

    • At least on the Mac my desktop Flutter app starts up quickly and performs quite well. It’s much smoother in fact than a prototype I built in SwiftUI.

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Afaik bundling webview is only available with appimage. We also have a big tauri app and it is a PITA to develop. I actually opened an issue to support bundling a chromium ala electron.